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Writer's pictureChadwick Dolgos

Preserving Meaning in a World of Shifting Words

In George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, 1984, language serves as a powerful tool for manipulation and control. The novel's totalitarian regime, led by Big Brother, systematically distorts language to shape and restrict thought. While this might seem like a work of fiction, it serves as a stark reminder of the significance of language in our own society.

Words hold meaning, and when their definitions are arbitrarily altered, we face a perilous threat to our ability to communicate effectively and understand one another.

Language is the cornerstone of human communication, enabling us to express our thoughts, share ideas, and connect with one another. We convey our emotions, beliefs, and experiences through words. The meanings assigned to words are not arbitrary; they are carefully crafted to convey specific concepts and ideas. When we alter these meanings without due cause, we risk eroding the very foundation of our shared understanding.

Over the past decade, subtle word definition shifts have quietly reshaped our language. These changes, initially intended to align more closely with a nationally dictated script, have become increasingly aggressive. While some may argue that this is a necessary evolution of language, we must be vigilant in recognizing when our language is being weaponized against us.

Words like "racism" and "gender" have taken on a whole new look. AP demands that we capitalize "Black" in our sentences but not "white" because the latter isn't referring to a specific population. There are professors at the graduate level who cannot define what a woman is. Words have meaning for a reason.

When words lose their established meanings, our ability to communicate effectively is compromised. Ideas become muddled, and clarity fades into ambiguity. Language becomes a tool for manipulation rather than a vehicle for genuine understanding. This erosion of meaning can lead to a society where honest discourse is stifled, and dissenting voices are silenced.

As we navigate an increasingly overcomplicated world, the preservation of language and its inherent meanings is crucial. Orwell's 1984 serves as a haunting reminder of the dangers of arbitrarily changing words and manipulating their definitions. We must recognize that subtle shifts have been occurring, altering our shared understanding and veering us toward a society where words lose their significance.

If we allow language to be stripped of its meaning, we risk losing the ability to speak up. If words lose all meaning, they win.

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